Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sedikit Kata2 untuk aku

ini apa yang gua baca kat wall post kawan gua:

"Why is theres even word like "Fat" and "Thin" ? Thats just discriminating! Why cant it be just "you" and "me"...Cause each and everyone of us is perfect and unique...Dont said that God make you better..Cause He is Super Fair...And dont said that You are better...coz on the eyes of other beholders, maybe you are just not good enough..."

sedikit inspirasi untuk aku untuk masa akan datang..

Monday, October 11, 2010


Kau Tak pernah..!!
Kau Memang Tak..!!
Kenapa Kau Tak..?!
Kenapa Baru Sekarang..?!
Terima Kasih